Antler Lights & Accessories

Real Antler Lighting You Can Afford!

Beautiful Real Antler Lamp With Stand

Antler Additions

We use only real antlers shed by elk in season right here in Colorado. No animal must give its life for these - they shed them every spring, and we pick them up and build lights for you.

Elk laying in the grass

Guaranteed Best Price On Antler Lighting Anywhere!

Tell us your budget and the size and style you would like us to make, I will make it and deliver it personally to your home. We only use real antlers for all our lights and furniture, hand collected when the elk shed them every Spring. No idea is impossible - we're always ready to try original ideas! We craft our antler lights with precision and we price competitively. Some ideas others have contributed besides lights include pool cue racks, mirrors, coat racks, towel shelves, and a variety of tables including foyer tables and coffee tables. Look through the gallery to see them along with the various lights and chandeliers!

Pricing Guide

Single Tier Chandeliers from $1549

Double Tier Chandeliers from $3599

Triple Tier Chandeliers from $6849

Table Lights from $299

Floor Lights from $849

(You also may send us your antlers and receive a large reduction in price!)

Metal Bear Lamp and Shade, $149

Bear Lamp, $149

Cowboy Lamp and Shade, $149

Cowboy Lamp, $149

Horse Lamp and Shade, $149

Horse Lamp, $149

Elk Lamp and Shade, $149

Elk Lamp, $149

We have access to unlimited types and amounts of antlers! Safe Packaging for an Antler Chandelier

If you confess your sins, he is faithful and just to forgive you and cleanse you (1 John 1:9)